Top tips to prepare for an egg retrieval

Preparing for an egg retrieval can be both exciting and overwhelming. You’ve taken a huge step in preparing and preserving your fertile future - good for you! Now you just need to figure out where to start. The most important thing is to follow your doctor’ s instructions as they will be specifically tailored to your needs. Additionally, it’s crucial to adequately prepare yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. In this post, I’ll cover some key tips to guide you on your journey to a successful egg retrieval.

Stay Hydrated - Drink plenty of water in the lead up to your egg retrieval. It is extremely important to help with bloating, and help flush out toxins. Aim for two litres daily. Drinking things like coconut water and gatorade can help balance your electrolytes and manage the symptoms of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.

Co- Enzyme Q 10 (CoQ10) - Is an antioxidant naturally produced by the body. When taken in supplement form, it is thought to support healthy egg production. Studies have shown better egg quality and fertilization rates in women treated with CoQ10 for 60 days or longer pre retrieval.

Manage stress - Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as practising relaxation techniques, meditation, getting out in nature, or engaging in activities you enjoy. High stress levels can negatively impact fertility, so it’s important to prioritize your mental well being.

Get plenty of rest - Prioritize getting enough sleep in the days leading up to, and post egg retrieval. Adequate sleep can help improve your stress levels, improve overall health, and ensure you feel prepared for your procedure.

Eat a healthy diet - A balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for optimal health. Prioritize consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains. These foods provide essential nutrients that support egg quality, and overall reproductive health.

Avoid strenuous activity- During the stimulation period, your ovaries can grow from the size of an almond, to the size of a small orange. To protect your ovaries and overall health, you want to take it easy during this period and ensure you are avoiding intense activity, or activity that promotes twisting, such as heavy weight lifting, cycling, or yoga. While it’s important not to introduce new routines or strenuous activity, you also don’t want to be immobile. Get out for a daily walk and keep your body moving in a gentle way.

Ask questions - This is not an easy journey. This process and most of the information is likely brand new to you. Don’t shy away from asking questions. You deserve to be informed and feel empowered. Take caution with google, it may not have all the right answers within the right context. Talk to someone you trust, like your doctor, nurses, or maybe even your fertility coach.

With proper preparation and support, you are one step closer to achieving your dream of starting or expanding your family.


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